Friday, March 28, 2025

Professional Riggers now have an alternative and an advantage to the permanent welded on rigging booms that they currently have on their fork trucks. The two major advantages for the professional riggers are as follows:

  1. Professional riggers have to go into food manufacturing plants to move machines. Most riggers presently have their booms welded to either diesel or propane fueled fork trucks. The food industry requires the riggers to use electric trucks (They don't want the fumes to be absorbed into the flour and food.) They can rent an electric truck, but all they have at present to use with the electric truck is the fork mounted booms. If it is a machine that is large, they have to wait until the weekend to do the job because they don’t want to shut down production because of the fumes. Even if they go in on the weekend they still have to vis-queen off the area where the flour and food is stored. By using the RigReady portable professional boom system the riggers can bolt the boom onto an electric fork truck the size that will handle the weight of the machine and be able to do the project during the week saving on premium labor cost to the food manufacturing company. By using an electric truck with the RigReady system the rigger will also not have to vis-queen off the area resulting in an additional saved labor cost to the manufacturing plant. The RigReady booms can also be utilized in the many paint shops where they require electric trucks that have the explosion proof upgrade on the fork truck.
  2. Professional riggers have heard for years from the employing companies that are having the machines relocated many miles away. (Don't bother quoting the unloading of the machines to where the machines are going.) We know that you can't be competitive because you have the expense of transporting your equipment all the way to where the machines are being relocated. By doing this the employing company usually sacrifices safety and also risks machine downtime. It is safer and you have less machine downtime if you let the people that have found the balance points of the machines and rigged the machines through the plant and onto the semi-trucks. To hire someone at the other end to rig the machines the company has a greater chance of machine damage, machine downtime and someone getting hurt. Especially when the company employing the riggers are usually in a window of opportunity to get the machines back up and running to satisfy the production parts of the machines that are being moved. The riggers can now put two of the RigReady Systems on a landscape trailer and pull the trailer behind their rigging truck. Rent two fork trucks in the area where the machines are being relocated. Thus saving the cost and equipment tied up of two fork trucks, two semi tractors, two semi-trailers, wages for two semi-truck drivers there and back, fuel there and back of the two semi-trucks and wear and tear on all that equipment. This is a huge savings let alone the ability to compete with a rigger that is a thousand miles away. With the RigReady System the riggers can offer the employing company a competitive price with safety and machine downtime at the forefront. The rigger can offer all of this and still increase his bottom line.