Friday, March 28, 2025

Advantages of the RigReady Portable Professional Rigging Boom Systems for The 8 Different markets RigReady supplies.

The 8 different markets at present include:
  1. The Rental Industry Rigging booms have been welded on for generations. Up until now the rental company would have to decide which size, drive or tire style of fork truck they were going to specify as a rigging truck. They would then have to pay to have the fork truck shipped out and have a rigging boom welded on to it investing tens of thousands of dollars in one specific fork truck. Fork truck manufactures have made fork trucks in different sizes (Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4) drives (Propane, Diesel or Electric) tires (Cushion, Rough Terrain or Pneumatic) so they can accommodate the customer in whatever environment the customer is using the fork truck. With the invention of the RigReady Portable Rigging Boom System. The rental company can NOW bolt the boom in less than 5 minutes to any of the trucks in their fleet to match the environment the customer is rigging in. The rental companies now have a better utilization of their capital investment by not specifying one size, drive or tire style to being their only rigging truck. This also satisfies his customer by giving him the type of fork truck he needs for whatever environment he is working in. Just as the fork truck manufactures have done in their development of the various types of fork trucks that they currently manufacture. (This is a scenario that is currently happening to the rental companies that already have and rent the conventional welded on rigging booms. A customer will come in and want to rent a fork truck with just the forks on it. The rental company will go to the trouble and expense to take off the conventional boom that is welded on and rent it to the customer. A couple of days later a customer will come in and want to rent the same size truck but needs a boom on it. The rental store has a boom there that they took off the first truck, but it will not fit on another fork truck that he has in his fleet, thus resulting in a lost rental for his store and a customer that did not get his rigging needs met.) If the rental company would have put his capital investment into a RigReady system he would have greater ROI and would have met his customer's needs.

  2. Manufacturing Plants RigReady booms can be utilized in many different manufacturing plants in the world. The introduction of lean manufacturing to the manufacturing arena has been good to the manufactures to stay competitive on a global basis, but has caused a few problems along the way. With lean manufacturing the machines have gotten closer together to save on floor space. This causes that environment to have tighter areas to work around to do machine relocations or just to do repairs on machines in their current location. RigReady has many advantages over the traditional fork mounted booms that are currently in use. RigReady booms have 4 1/2 times the lifting capacity VS fork mounted booms and you don't have to worry about the forks being in the way. The hook on a fork mounted boom has to be out farther then the end of the forks to rig safely and properly. Obviously the farther away from the fork truck the less weight you can pick up and the more length you take up. At present the technicians are using fork mounted booms and struggling. If the technicians are struggling because of the shortfalls of the fork mounted booms there are bound to be accidents and frustrations. RigReady is the answer to all of the problems that lean manufacturing has created.

    With RigReady, because it is mounted to the carriage you can lift the largest amount of weight in the least amount of space for the weight truck you mount the system to. This is the reason professional riggers favor this style of boom and now RigReady has made the booms portable and available to you to utilize on your entire fleet of fork trucks. In the manufacturing plants engineers are instructed to save money and are keeping many of their projects in house. Having a RigReady System on hand so the onsite technicians can use for new machine installation, rearrange existing machines, general maintenance or for production breakdowns will result in less downtime. RigReady is portable and now available to the manufacturing plants which is a safe alternative to fork mounted booms and a huge benefit.

  3. Conveyor Installers will use the RigReady System to install under floor conveyors, on floor conveyors and overhead conveyors. Many overhead paint line conveyor drives and chains are mounted directly to the ceiling trusses of typical manufacturing plants which are 25 ft. floor to bottom of truss. RigReady can handle all of these applications with ease.

  4. Material Handling Installers can use the RigReady System to install the many machines that are involved to create a production line that is required to move the production of the manufactured parts on an assembly line.

  5. The Construction Industry will utilize the RigReady System to set steel on commercial buildings, set trusses with both rough terrain straight mast fork trucks and telehandlers. With RigReady if you have a 56 ft. telehandler, you now have a 67 ft. telehandler. Vertical reach on a RigReady boom is 11 ft. This will get the steel up another full story and the riggers will not have to hand rig the steel up another story resulting in saved labor cost. The booms can also be utilized for setting steel post for erecting sidewalls on steel buildings.

  6. Demolition Companies can use the RigReady System to disassemble the many machines, steel and buildings that they demolish in their everyday task. They can also save on the transporting of their own fork trucks and rent fork trucks in the area that the project is in.

  7. Landscapers can mount the RigReady System to a skid steer and install tall fence post while doing commercial landscaping projects.

  8. Professional Riggers now have an alternative and an advantage to the permanent welded on rigging booms that they currently have on their fork trucks. The two major advantages for the professional riggers are as follows:

    1. Professional riggers have to go into food manufacturing plants to move machines. Most riggers presently have their booms welded to either diesel or propane fueled fork trucks. The food industry requires the riggers to use electric trucks (They don't want the fumes to be absorbed into the flour and food.) They can rent an electric truck, but all they have at present to use with the electric truck is the fork mounted booms. If it is a machine that is large, they have to wait until the weekend to do the job because they don’t want to shut down production because of the fumes. Even if they go in on the weekend they still have to vis-queen off the area where the flour and food is stored. By using the RigReady portable professional boom system the riggers can bolt the boom onto an electric fork truck the size that will handle the weight of the machine and be able to do the project during the week saving on premium labor cost to the food manufacturing company. By using an electric truck with the RigReady system the rigger will also not have to vis-queen off the area resulting in an additional saved labor cost to the manufacturing plant. The RigReady booms can also be utilized in the many paint shops where they require electric trucks that have the explosion proof upgrade on the fork truck.

    2. Professional riggers have heard for years from the employing companies that are having the machines relocated many miles away. (Don't bother quoting the unloading of the machines to where the machines are going.) We know that you can't be competitive because you have the expense of transporting your equipment all the way to where the machines are being relocated. By doing this the employing company usually sacrifices safety and also risks machine downtime. It is safer and you have less machine downtime if you let the people that have found the balance points of the machines and rigged the machines through the plant and onto the semi-trucks. To hire someone at the other end to rig the machines the company has a greater chance of machine damage, machine downtime and someone getting hurt. Especially when the company employing the riggers are usually in a window of opportunity to get the machines back up and running to satisfy the production parts of the machines that are being moved. The riggers can now put two of the RigReady Systems on a landscape trailer and pull the trailer behind their rigging truck. Rent two fork trucks in the area where the machines are being relocated. Thus saving the cost and equipment tied up of two fork trucks, two semi tractors, two semi-trailers, wages for two semi-truck drivers there and back, fuel there and back of the two semi-trucks and wear and tear on all that equipment. This is a huge savings let alone the ability to compete with a rigger that is a thousand miles away. With the RigReady System the riggers can offer the employing company a competitive price with safety and machine downtime at the forefront. The rigger can offer all of this and still increase his bottom line.

These are just a few of the examples of why we developed the RigReady Portable Professional Rigging Boom System.

You can see the many advantages of making a professional rigging boom system portable. RigReady is the first and only portable professional rigging boom system available. With the invention of RigReady the days of welding on a conventional rigging boom and dedicating that one specific fork truck as a rigging truck are gone. By making the booms portable, all of the companies above will get the most out of their capital investment. Making the booms portable and as versatile as they are to fit onto all the fork trucks and telehandlers will be a great asset and capital savings. Fork truck manufactures recognized a long time ago that they had to make a variety of fork truck sizes, drives and tire styles to suit the end user’s needs. Now rigging clients can have that same advantage and adaptability to mount the booms to whichever truck fits their particular situation and environment.

We currently have RigReady designed to fit onto 16 different size, drive or tire style of trucks to utilize your entire fleet of fork trucks and cover 8 different markets at present.


Professional Rigging Boom Systems that have the superior product advantage to enable you to offer an excellent product to your customers for rental sales and retail sales to the many different markets that the RigReady System enhances.